Mutual recognition agreements (MRA)

The European Union (EU) has signed mutual recognition agreements (MRAs) with third-country authorities concerning the conformity assessment of regulated products. Such agreements contain a sectoral annex on the mutual recognition of good manufacturing practice (GMP) inspections and batch certification of human and veterinary medicines.

MRAs allow EU authorities and their counterparts to:

Each agreement has a different scope.

MRAs are trade agreements that aim to facilitate market access and encourage greater international harmonisation of compliance standards while protecting consumer safety.

These agreements benefit regulatory authorities by reducing duplication of inspections on each other territory, allowing for greater focus on sites that could have a higher risk and broadening the inspection coverage of the global supply chain.

They also facilitate trade in pharmaceuticals because they reduce costs for manufacturers by reducing the number of inspections taking place at facilities and waiving re-testing of their products upon importation.

EMA role

The European Commission is responsible to negotiate MRAs with partner countries on behalf of the EU. The European Commission may consult EMA on regulatory and scientific questions as part of this process.

EMA is involved in operational activities once the MRAs are in place, including:

Overview of specific MRAs


In operation since:

Exchange of certificates of GMP compliance for manufacturers and batch certificates.

A two-way alert system is in operation.


In operation since 1 February 2003.

In 2017, the MRA was suspended and incorporated into the Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA) between the EU and Canada, which applies provisionally as of September 2017. The suspended MRA will be terminated when CETA fully enters into force, pending ratification by EU Member States.

The first Joint Sectoral Group on Pharmaceuticals under CETA met in November 2018 and agreed a number of Administrative Arrangements. More information is available from the European Commission.

Products manufactured in the territories of the EU and Canada.

GMP inspections of manufacturing facilities in third countries by a regulatory authority of either party may be accepted. This provision is applicable from 15 April 2021.


The MRA with Israel is an agreement on conformity assessment and acceptance of industrial products (ACAA). This is a specific type of MRA based on the alignment of the legislative system and infrastructure of the country concerned with those of the EU.

In operation since 19 January 2013 (after Israel had implemented the relevant EU legislation and aligned its GMP standards, inspection procedures and forms to those used in the EU)

Israel and the EU recognise official batch releases carried out by each other's authorities.

Products manufactured in the territories of the EU and Israel and manufacturers in third countries inspected by the regulatory authority of either party if the product also undergoes re-control in one of the parties.

Exchange of certificates of GMP compliance for manufacturers and batch certificates.

A two-way alert system is in operation.


In operation since 29 May 2004 with limited scope.

Updated in July 2018 to to include sterile and biological products and active pharmaceutical ingredients. This scope extension is effective as of 17 July 2018.

Human medicines only, including: