20 Important Dos and Don’ts in a New Relationship

Mert Şeker

Sylvia Smith shares insights on love revitalization and conscious living. She believes purposeful actions can transform relationships into happier, healthier ones.

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The 5 Do’s and Don’ts of New Relationships

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Starting a new relationship can be quite tricky yet exciting at the same time. You will be excited at the prospect of someone loving you and caring for you, taking time for you.

The start of a relationship might probably be the best time of your life as you are starting a new relationship . However, as excited as you might be, it is crucial to know what to do in a new relationship and what not to do in a new relationship.

Here we will look at the dos and don’ts in a new relationship that help guide you in the right direction. These will help you establish the right foundation for your relationship and deepen your bond .

How should you behave in a new relationship?

It would help if you respected each other’s independence and choices. Although it is alright to keep in touch, be aware of each other’s whereabouts, and communicate, continuously pinging each other can also suffocate at times.

If you understand the dos and don’ts of new relationships, it will be easier for you to move forward and form a healthy relationship with your partner .

It is just that how to start a relationship can be quite complicated and tricky and requires lots of effort. Once you get used to it and know about your partner, it is easier to form a healthy relationship.

20 dos and don’ts in a new relationship

Dos and don’ts for a new relationship can help you stop second-guessing yourself. It gives you a vague blueprint about what needs to be done, and it can enhance your bond further.

Let us begin by enlightening you with the dos and don’ts of how to start a relationship.

1. Show love and affection to your partner

You might have made a new boyfriend. And now you must be thinking about starting a new relationship with a man you’ve just developed feelings for.

You must first remember to show love and affection to your partner to strengthen the bond between you both. You must give attention and time to your partner and make eye contact with him.

Eye contact is like a confirmation to the partner that you are there with him at the very moment.

2. Don’t start talking about the future prematurely

When you start a new relationship, bombarding your partner with questions and plans for the future is not how relationships work. There is a big chance that you can put your partner off.

Every relationship requires time, and you cannot imagine your boyfriend being head over heels from day one.

You should remember that you are new to this and just starting a relationship. It is okay to be on cloud nine. However, if the question, “ How to have a good relationship ?” lingers in your mind, you must know that it’s all about taking things slow, one thing at a time.

3. You should have realistic expectations

For a relationship to work, it is essential to be emotionally and mentally strong. You also have to be compromising and understanding. It’s not necessary that what you want in a relationship is the same as what your partner wants. So, be realistic about situations.

You can both have different thoughts and opinions, like how often you should text in a new relationship. While one person could enjoy the attention, the other appreciates space. So, it is crucial to find a middle ground.

Apart from this, your partner might be looking for a new love . This can be an emotional backlash, but you must maintain your calm.

4. Get rid of the negativity from within you

To remain positive is one of the most important ways to understand how to make a relationship last for a long time, almost forever. Negativity can be dangerous for your relationship and can ruin it as well.

Being positive can help you in the stages of a new relationship. It is vital to examine the positive -negative balance in the relationship step by step for the phase of starting love.

Take a look at your insecurities and try to shrug them away, as they can be contagious in your relationship. Being in a relationship, you must also be honest and faithful in your relationship as this is new relationship advice, which will be pretty handy for you.

5. Avoid comparisons

Dos and don’ts in a new relationship include ensuring you don’t spend time comparing your new partner to your ex.

Comparing your new relationship with the relationship with your ex-partner can harm both you and your new partner’s emotional health. Carrying past negative experiences into a new relationship can cause trust issues and prevent the natural development of the relationship.

Comparison can ruin the prospects of a relationship by weighing it down. You may make your partner feel insecure and unsettled if your constant thoughts about your ex weigh them down.

It can make them doubt whether you have truly moved on from your ex or whether they will be able to get past you by comparing them to your ex .

6. Don’t mention fears prematurely

At the beginning of a relationship, you and your partner are still getting comfortable with each other. Therefore, one of the crucial new relationship dos and don’ts includes not mentioning your fears prematurely.

Allow your partner the chance to discover your fears and limitations gradually. Mentioning things at the get-go can make them feel intimidated and overwhelmed.

You can mention your fears when they become relevant to the equation you share with them.

7. Consider trying out new things

One of the things to do in a new relationship includes stepping out of your comfort zone and trying out new things with your new partner.

A new person in your close circle usually exposes you to new things. Let your new partner introduce you to things you haven’t tried out before or have had some bad impression of.

Allow love to broaden your horizons a bit.

8. Assess your own boundaries

Be strong if your partner ditches you

Dos and don’ts in a new relationship include honestly assessing your boundaries.

If you are self-aware about what your emotional, physical, or sexual boundaries are, it can help you be more conscious of your expectations from a relationship. You can then aptly inform your partner about what would make you happy and comfortable in a relationship.

A lack of awareness regarding one’s boundaries can lead your partner to hurt you. You can inform them correctly about what you desire, which might make them misunderstand things.

As Psychologist Mert Şeker explains:

Setting boundaries in a new relationship is extremely important in terms of healthy communication, trust, and personal happiness. Boundaries ensure that both partners understand expectations and respect each other. Open communication and healthy boundaries can help both parties feel comfortable, and the relationship provides mutual satisfaction.

9. Don’t be consumed by their past

Your partner’s past can be a common cause of a person’s insecurities, jealousy, and doubts. Therefore, dos and don’ts in a new relationship include tuning out your partner’s past.

Curiosity can kill the cat when it comes to your partner’s past.

You might want to know all about your partner’s past but treat these as facts that should not impede the closeness between the two of you.

10. Maintain your friendships

One of the important dos and don’ts in a new relationship includes not letting your relationship take over all aspects of your life.

When you are in a new relationship, you might want to spend all your time focused on making plans and spending more time with your partner. However, don’t let this be at the cost of your other interests and friendships.

Continue spending time with your friends and family , as this will give you a chance not to be wholly consumed by your relationship. It will keep reminding you that other aspects of your life are also important.

11. Don’t ignore their faults

A new relationship can be responsible for the rosy-hued glasses one puts on, making your partner appear faultless.

It would help if you tried to be open to discovering the different aspects of your partner’s personality, both good and bad. If you refuse to see their faults initially, you will not be able to assess your compatibility authentically.

12. Give them space

To learn how to be in a relationship that is new, understand the value of giving each other space.

The initial phase of a relationship may make you want to spend all your time with your partner, but this is not healthy in the long run.

By giving each other space , you can grow as individuals and establish a relationship that stands on a foundation of mutual trust and respect.

Watch this video by Relationship Expert Esther Perel on the importance of giving your partner space:

13. Plan interesting dates

The beginnings of relationships are often marked by the dates you plan for each other.

Take some time out and plan a date for your partner that is romantic and fun. Try to personalize it with elements you know your partner likes or desires.

For instance, if your partner is someone who appreciates live music, you can take them on a surprise date to a restaurant where there is good live music. It will be a happy memory for them as they will likely realize that you pay attention to what they like.

14. Show your appreciation

To understand how to start a new relationship, learn to show appreciation for all the little things your partner does for you.

Research by Nathaniel M. Lambert and Frank D. Fincham shows that relationship satisfaction increases when a partner expresses gratitude for their partner’s considerate actions and words.

Your gratitude can make your partner feel validated and loved. They will realize that you notice and appreciate what they do for you, which will strengthen the bond between you.

Psychologist Mert Şeker shares his thoughts:

In a romantic relationship, partners educate and guide each other. The most important way to educate a person is to ensure that they develop positive behavior.

Praise is one of the most important methods used to develop positive behavior. Therefore, praising and appreciating your partner in your new relationship will help you establish a healthy relationship.

15. Express your needs

Don’t hesitate to mention what you need from your partner and what bothers you. When you mention your needs, your partner can understand you better.

You might hesitate to mention what you want as the relationship is still new, and you may not be comfortable with your partner at the moment. But get past this fear and express yourself, which will help you become more comfortable with your partner.

16. Enjoy the present moments

Couple relaxing on couch at home

One of the big dos and don’ts in a new relationship is enjoying the present moment .

Don’t let your past experiences and concerns about the future take away the sheen of the exciting present you are sharing with your partner.

The best part of a new relationship is often the excitement and fun that you can have with someone. The chemistry between you two should be your focus, not the stress and anxiety about the past and present.

17. Communicate effectively

Entering a new relationship can seem daunting as it often involves opening up to someone and sharing your life with them. However, this can be a cakewalk if you let clear communication guide you through this process.

Treat effective communication as one of the most important dos and don’ts in a relationship that is new. It can make or break a relationship, depending on whether you do it honestly, respectfully, and openly.

18. Don’t repeat past mistakes

Past relationships can be your guide regarding the dos and don’ts of relationships.

Take a moment to assess the things you could’ve done differently in the past that would’ve made the relationship happier and healthier. Try to ensure you don’t repeat these past mistakes in your new relationship.

19. Discuss intimacy

Intimacy and sex are important aspects of most relationships. Therefore, special care needs to be taken when handling these issues.

Take the time to inform your partner about the pace of things that you expect and your boundaries.

Even if you feel awkward discussing these things with a new partner, it is essential, and therefore you must try to step out of your comfort zone for this.

20. Be strong if your partner ditches you

Although it can be a huge setback for you if your partner ditches you, starting over in a relationship is equally important. It isn’t necessary that if one person is terrible, the rest of the world is also bad.

You should consider starting a relationship , as it is challenging to live without love. No matter how strong you are, you need love.

So, these were dating tips for a new relationship you just read. You must understand how relationships start.

Some final thoughts

With the help of these new relationship tips, it must be easy for you to understand how to get into a relationship.

The start of relationships is indeed like magical beginnings, and you only have to be careful initially. It’s because you do not and cannot entirely know and trust the other person.

Recognizing the dos and don’ts in a new relationship is a great way to start a relationship. They will also help you if you are already in a relationship.

It is equally important to make exceptional efforts without going overboard so that your relationship stays beautiful.

By following these dos and don’ts in a new relationship, you can play your part in keeping your relationship healthy and happy. It will help you to establish a strong foundation for your relationship and will also help you overcome relationship challenges.