What Are the Four Temperaments?

Imagine for a minute if we had a proven way to help you better understand yourself, your natural strengths, and why you do what you do.

This is what Four Temperaments is all about. The word temperament refers to the blending of natural traits or tendencies with which a person is born and is a part of one’s personality. Temperament is also a need which drives and motivates people to act according to their natural tendencies.

Think about it this way: your temperament is the way you are most of the time, in most situations, most of your life.

The idea that a person’s behavior is in-born has been around for at least 2,400 years. The father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, was one of the pioneers who noticed key differences in people’s behavior. Other historical figures followed in this pursuit of understanding temperament and have validated that the four temperaments are real and very important in the life of every individual.

Historically, there are four temperaments that represent distinctively different behavior in a person: Choleric, Sanguine, Phlegmatic, and Melancholy.

The Choleric

The Choleric person is extroverted, driven to get results, and will not give in to the pressure of what others think unless they cannot get quick results. They are slow to build relationships and tend to have only a few close friends because results are more important than people. The Choleric does not easily empathize with the feelings of others or show compassion. They think big and seek positions of authority. The Choleric tends to not be angry although their assertive push to get results may be interpreted as such.

The Sanguine

Sanguines are very different from Cholerics. People with a Sanguine temperament are naturally people-oriented and do not need a reason to be with other people. The Sanguine is extroverted, fun-loving, playful, activity-prone, impulsive, entertaining, persuasive, easily amused, and optimistic.

The Sanguine typically builds relationships quickly. They get so involved in conversations that they easily forget about time so they are often late arriving at their destination. The Sanguine is easily bored if not involved in social activity. The Sanguine dislikes solitude. Their attention span is based on whether or not they are interested in the person or event. And they can change their focus or interest in an instant if they become bored.

The Phlegmatic

If you know someone who is naturally service-oriented and passive in both favorable and unfavorable environments, then you’ve met a Phlegmatic. They influence their environment by cooperating with others to carry out the task. They tend to not be highly ambitious and they tend to lack a sense of urgency.

The Phlegmatic is introverted, calm, unemotional, easygoing, indecisive, patient, and agreeable. They are both slow and indirect when responding to others. Although the Phlegmatic is usually slow to warm up, they are accommodating in the process. Also, they are by far the easiest people with whom to get along — as long as you do not try to alter their routine or ask them to change.

The Melancholy

The Melancholy naturally wants to do things right and is quality-oriented. They are not trying to be right, they are driven to figure out what is right. They have an initial cautious, tentative response to reduce tension in an unfavorable environment.

The Melancholy’s second response is often to become assertive to restore peace in an unfavorable situation. They influence their environment by adhering to
the existing rules and by doing things right according to predetermined (and accepted) standards. Melancholies are detailed-oriented, operate from a plan, and they are usually very private. They are introverted, logical, analytical, and factual in communication. They need information, time alone to think, and a detailed plan in order to function effectively without anxiety.

In our MyTemperament TM Assessment, we help you discover your temperament and your natural tendencies and strengths, uniqueness, and how you are wired.

You will receive a customized report of your specific temperament blend, how it is expressed, your preferred environments, and practical guidance to help you succeed at work and in life.

Everyone Has All Four Temperaments

What’s important to understand is that no one is only one temperament. Everyone has traits of all four temperaments. However, not all four are present with equal influence.

Each person has a primary temperament and a secondary temperament, along with a third and fourth temperament.

When we look at the combination of the first and second temperament in a person, we can identify their specific behavioral pattern. As an example, a Sanguine-Melancholy is referred to as the Performer; a Melancholy-Phlegmatic is referred to as the Analyst; a Melancholy-Choleric is referred to as the Instructor.

To further elaborate, every person is a “blend” of all four temperaments. You may be a Choleric-Melancholy-Sanguine-Phlegmatic. Or perhaps a Sanguine-Choleric-Phlegmatic-Melancholy. It’s intriguing and eye-opening to discover your temperament blend and who you really are, rather than relying only on what you’ve learned to become or where you’re experienced.

Your Natural Strengths

As you discover your temperament combination and blend, you will see there are natural strengths that you have and also natural weaknesses. It’s very liberating to know these because it helps you to operate in your natural strengths and not force yourself into behaving like someone you are not.

To illustrate, if you are a Sanguine-Phlegmatic (the Relater), you desire to be around people some of the time but then you need periods of rest, away from interaction with others. With this behavioral pattern, if you try to force yourself to be around people all the time, you will become weary and irritable.

Conversely, if you are a Sanguine-Choleric (the Negotiator), you will want to be with people all of the time. If you don’t get enough time with people, you may feel rejected or like you’re not influencing others.

It’s also important to pay attention to your fourth (last) temperament because it reveals traits that are least present in your personality. It’s liberating to be the real you and not try to act in a way that is contrary to your primary and secondary temperaments.

People who understand their temperament blend (i.e., first temperament + second temperament + third temperament + fourth temperament) typically enjoy themselves at a greater level because they understand their strengths, core needs, and who they truly are. As a result, they usually live a more fulfilling life.

Discovering the True You

When you discover your temperament, you’ll better understand yourself, that you are normal, and why you do what you do. As a result, you are better positioned to achieve your goals in life, both personally and professionally.

If you would like to discover your temperament blend, you can take our quick 15-minute MyTemperament Test and get a very insightful, customized report emailed to you today. In this report, you’ll see your top strengths, core needs, preferred environments, and much more. Start your journey today of better understanding your strengths!

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Recent Blogs

The word temperament refers to the blending of natural traits or tendencies with which a person is born and is a part of one’s personality. Temperament is also a need which drives and motivates people to act according to their natural tendencies.

What is Phlegmatic Temperament?

Discover what it means to be a Phlegmatic. Perhaps you are wondering if you have a Phlegmatic personality, or maybe a family member or co-worker. This post will help you better understand the key characteristics of the Phlegmatic person, along with the factors that help them to succeed and thrive.

Sanguine Temperament

Although it is true that no one personality or temperament is better than the other, many people are attracted to the Sanguine temperament. They are known for their love for people and their fun, easy-going personality.You probably know quite a few Sanguines and may be one yourself. In this article, we will describe the Sanguine temperament and how they are wired, what they enjoy, and some of their core needs and preferences.

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The Executive D-I (Choleric-Sanguine)

The Choleric-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to get results. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

The Choleric and Sanguine natural tendencies combine to produce a result-oriented person who needs to be around people socially some of the time. This combination naturally likes being the leader and is often an executive.

The Choleric-Sanguine has a natural drive to quickly get results. They are goal and bottom-line oriented, and can be very persuasive in promoting their ideas and goals. They are easily annoyed when others do not comply with their instructions or direction but it passes quickly; quickly aroused, easily calmed. They are not angry, although others may at times think they are furious. They are impatient and will push others to obtain results and be productive.

They take a win/lose approach to life, so when results are not coming quickly enough they become bored and will move easily to another project. They have boundless energy so they need lots of activity. They require little sleep (4 to 6 hours is common). They dislike details or doing tedious work, however, they see the importance of details, and can easily delegate that to others. The Choleric-Sanguine is not a frequently found combination.

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The Motivator D-I (Choleric-Sanguine)

The Motivator tends to be very impatient and will often take a win/lose approach to life. They are practical and use direct, sometimes forceful methods to get quick results but still show some interest in people. They are goal and bottom line oriented and can be very forceful in promoting their ideas. They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make decisions. They have boundless energy and need activity and results or they become bored. They need daily challenge and others willing to listen to them and carry out their plans. This versatile, eager, self-starter is very competitive. To be highly motivated they need freedom, the opportunity for advancement and information that will help them get results. They like having power and authority. The Choleric fights for what they think is the right way to accomplish the goal, but they can accept momentary defeat and tend not to be grudge holders. They dislike weakness.

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The Director D-S (Choleric-Phlegmatic)

The Choleric-Phlegmatic combination is driven by two temperament needs. Their primary need is to get results. The secondary need is to accommodate others. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Choleric and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined it produces a result-oriented person who is very determined and unemotional when attempting to accomplish a goal.

The Choleric-Phlegmatic is more individualistic and unyielding than the other Choleric combinations. This combination is like a director because they naturally like telling others what to do.

The Choleric-Phlegmatic is naturally a result-oriented, determined, unemotional, and focused individual. They have a strong, stubborn will, and they are independent and very individualistic. They have a firm, stoic expression (flat affect) on their face, and will rarely smile. They are not open, friendly, animated or talkative. They slowly build a few close relationships and will help only those they consider to be their friend.

They are confident and may appear aloof. They want to be in charge because of confidence in their ability to make better decisions. They can be very direct, brief, and blunt when answering questions. They tend to be impatient, especially when instructing others; they dislike weakness in others. It is one of the least frequently found combinations.

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The Strategist D-C (Choleric-Melancholy)

The Choleric-Melancholy combination is driven by two needs. Their primary need is to get results. The secondary need is to do things right. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation. When the Choleric and the Melancholy tendencies are combined, it produces a result-oriented, detailed person, who plans and pushes their way through life.

The Choleric-Melancholy is more detail oriented and sensitive than the other Choleric combinations. This combination naturally likes developing a strategy to accomplish a goal.

The Choleric-Melancholy is a result-oriented, detailed person who is not interested in social involvement. They are driven by a strong will to achieve their detailed plan. They can be direct, blunt, and forceful, yet at times show great sensitivity toward others. They can be both domineering and compassionate (they can be a Lion or a Lamb). They are easily annoyed, quickly aroused, but easily calmed.

They like to initiate change. The Choleric-Melancholy likes to solve problems and make decisions and are actually quite capable of doing so. They can usually see a creative solution quickly with a only small amount of information. When committed to accomplishing a goal they are insightful and creative.

They function best when they collect facts and have alone time to think and develop a plan of action. In the process of developing their plan they will ask direct and detailed questions. They prefer work to involvement with people. The Choleric-Melancholy is a frequently occurring combination.

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The Negotiator I-D (Sanguine-Choleric)

The Sanguine-Choleric combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to be accepted socially. The secondary need is to get results. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Sanguine and the Choleric natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is goal-oriented. They push their way through life trying to persuade others to their point of view. This combination naturally tries to negotiate with others for a different outcome.

The Sanguine-Choleric is more assertive than the other Sanguine combinations. They are very persuasive and make good debaters! They are very energetic and work well with and through people and naturally seek positions of leadership. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of various types of individuals. They strive to do business in a friendly way while pushing forward to win their objectives. They have a firm, lively, and friendly expression.

They are able to coordinate events and they are willing (eager) to delegate responsibilities. They exhibit poise and confidence in most situations, especially social events. They will become bored without activity and social involvement.

The Sanguine-Choleric has a difficult time with details, organization, and consistency. They prefer that others give them information that will help them make decisions rather than research it for themselves. They are very optimistic, but may lack follow through. The Sanguine-Choleric is a somewhat common combination.

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The Marketer I-D (Sanguine-Choleric)

The Marketer is more enthusiastic than the other Sanguines. They get very excited. This is an assertive and energetic persons who works well with and through people. They have an outgoing interest in others and the ability to gain the respect and confidence of varied types of individuals. They strive to do business in a friendly way while pushing forward to win their objectives and sell their point of view. They easily promote their own ideas or the ideas of others. They exhibit poise and confidence in most situations, especially social events. They will become bored without activity and social involvement. They have difficulty with awareness of time, organization and concentrating on details. They prefer others to give them information that will help them make decisions rather than research it themselves. They are very optimistic and enthusiastic but lack consistent follow-through. To be highly motivated they need freedom of expression, mobility, involvement with people, recognition, acceptance and freedom from details.

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The Relater I-S (Sanguine-Phlegmatic)

The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to be accepted socially. The secondary need is to accommodate others. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Sanguine and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is accommodating to the needs of others. They are more relationship oriented and consistent than the other Sanguine combinations. This combination naturally relates well to others and they maintain lasting relationships.

The Sanguine-Phlegmatic needs to be with people most of the time, but some of the time they need to be alone. When alone they will likely rest or sleep. They often become drowsy when sitting still after only a few minutes. They are independent minded and can be very stubborn. Once they establish a routine it can be difficult for them to change. They are very trusting of others and place importance on enduring relationships. It is not unusual for them to keep relationships they formed in kindergarten throughout their life-span; they are loyal to their friends. They are optimistic and full of hope. Most Sanguine-Phlegmatics will smile easily and often.

The Sanguine-Phlegmatic has a calming, friendly, accepting presence. They are disarming with their warm, empathic, and understanding approach. They possess a casual kind of poise in social situations. People tend to seek them out (even strangers) to share their problems because they are perceived to be approachable and good listeners. Children are easily drawn to them because they feel accepted in their presence. Although doing details and organizational things give them difficulty at times, they are able to do them quite well. They can be great administrators. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic works very well with others because they are optimistic, accepting, and accommodating. The Sanguine-Phlegmatic is a frequently found combination.

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The Performer I-C (Sanguine-Melancholy)

The Sanguine-Melancholy is driven by two temperament needs. The primary need is to be accepted socially. The secondary need is to do things right. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Sanguine and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces a people-person who is sensitive, creative, and detail-oriented. The Sanguine-Melancholy is more formal and emotional than the other Sanguine blends. This combination is naturally able to perform in front of others to meet the need of the moment. The Sanguine-Melancholy is a frequently found pattern.

The Sanguine-Melancholy needs to be with people most of the time, but some of the time they need to be alone. When alone they will likely think, review, plan, and be creative. They need information, time to think, and a plan; they function best, and more effectively, when they have a detailed plan. Once they have a plan, however, they may not be consistent or follow through because of the fear of failure. Once the fear of failure is overcome, there is not much they cannot do as well, if not better than, anyone else.

The Sanguine-Melancholy has a very active, vivid imagination causing them to be creative in many areas like music, the performing arts, writing, decoration, problem solving, etc. They tend to be very image conscious and actively seek recognition for their achievements. The Sanguine-Melancholy has a deep need to know that they will be accepted by others. They often struggle with questions like, “Why did I do that?”, “Why didn’t I do something else?”, “Did I say that right?”

They are usually well organized. Being organized does not necessarily mean that everything is neatly in place. Being organized can also mean that you know where everything is located—if you know what’s in the piles, then you’re organized!

Information about their job is very important to them, so they may ask many questions before accepting a task. They tend to be cautious because they have a deep need to make a favorable impression. They like status and quality things.

They often have difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking too much; reviewing, planning, fretting, or creating. The Sanguine-Melancholy’s emotions may fluctuate, especially if they are embarrassed or they have been, or may be, rejected. They can do things to an extreme.

The Sanguine-Melancholy tends to warm up slowly to new people because they are unsure of how they are being received. Once they feel safe or accepted, they become more friendly.

The Sanguine-Melancholy is a frequently found combination. See the book Born With A Creative Temperament, The Sanguine-Melancholy, by John T. Cocoris on this website.

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The Inspector S-D (Phlegmatic-Choleric)

The Phlegmatic-Choleric combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. The secondary need is to get results. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the situation.

When the Phlegmatic and the Choleric natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, result-oriented person who is unyielding in their routine, and very determined. The Phlegmatic-Choleric naturally concentrates (like an inspector) on one thing at a time with unbending determination.

The Phlegmatic-Choleric prefers to be with family or a few close friends most of the time. They have an anchored determination to follow their routine or complete a task.

They are accommodating, industrious, and independent (loners). The Phlegmatic-Choleric will have a firm, stoic expression (flat affect) and will rarely smile. They are calm, steady, and persevering. They can be very blunt, stubborn, and sarcastic. They rarely show emotion or affection.

The Phlegmatic-Choleric wants to operate by themselves and set their own pace. Once their mind is made up they will resist any other method of approach. They seek challenging assignments without close supervision. The Phlegmatic-Choleric prefers work of a routine nature rather than involvement with people.

This focused individual brings a deceptively intense approach to the task. Being low-key outwardly, their involvement in a task is not easily observed. They are successful because of their commitment to completing a task. After starting a project, they are tenacious and will fight for their objectives. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is very independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach and will follow through to see the task completed.

The Phlegmatic-Choleric will become sleepy when sitting still after only a few minutes. They are very dependable, routine, and loyal (they change their routine slowly). The Phlegmatic-Choleric is a dispassionate anchor of reality. They need time to warm-up before showing friendliness. The Phlegmatic-Choleric is one of the least frequently found patterns.

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The Harmonizer S-I (Phlegmatic-Sanguine)

The Phlegmatic-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. The secondary need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Phlegmatic and the Sanguine natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, people-oriented person who is routine, friendly, and tolerant of others. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is naturally motivated to bring harmony to their environment. They are the most friendly of the all the Phlegmatic combinations. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is a frequently found combination.

The Phlegmatic-Sanguine prefers a mostly private, routine existence, and involvement with family and a few friends. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine has a stoic expression but will, at times, show a natural smile. They easily accept others. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is accommodating and easy to be with both in the work environment and as a friend. They have difficulty confronting or pressuring people. They stubbornly resist change—especially sudden change.

They need some social involvement, usually with friends or family. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is loyal, consistent, and dependable. They are naturally service minded and will often work when they are ill. They are very independent minded and want to operate by themselves and set their own pace. They learn by doing (hands on). They need to be shown how to do a task, and then left alone. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach.

The Phlegmatic-Sanguine can do routine work but will need some change during the day. They have a very difficult time saying no and will often take on more than they can do just to please others. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is easy to like, and they have a very pleasant, soft voice. They are more friendly after warming-up, and can be very talkative at times. The Phlegmatic-Sanguine is a frequently found combination.

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The Helper S-C (Phlegmatic-Melancholy)

The Phlegmatic-Melancholy combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to be accommodating. The secondary need is to do things right. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Phlegmatic and the Melancholy natural tendencies are combined, it produces an accommodating, routine person who is concerned about doing things right. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is a natural helper and is the most consistent of all the Phlegmatic blends. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is a frequently found pattern.

The Phlegmatic-Melancholy needs to be alone most of the time and to spend time with their family. They are nice, gracious, and cordial people. They rarely show emotion or affection. They are routine, consistent, and loyal. They have a strong desire for independence and will resist change, especially sudden change. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is accepting and tolerant of others. They have a stoic expression (flat affect). They are more consistent and non-emotional than the other Phlegmatic combinations.

They are naturally routine, accommodating, family-oriented, and passive about most things. They are patient, self-controlled, and deliberate in their behavior. They are amiable and easygoing, and slowly pace their way through life. They tend to have a long life-span because they do not get stressed like the other temperament combinations.

This determined and persistent person brings a deceptively focused approach to the task. Being low-keyed outwardly, their emotional involvement in a task is not easily observed. They are calm, steady, and persevering. The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is successful because of persistence. After starting a project, they will usually see it through to completion—they rarely give up.

The Phlegmatic-Melancholy is independent, questioning, and thorough in their approach, and will follow through. They want to operate by themselves and set their own pace. They are very possessive of family time, material things, and friends. Once their mind is made up, they will resist any other method or approach.

The Phlegmatic-Melancholy prefers routine work and involvement with a limited number of people. They approach a task with calculated moderation. They are always willing to help those they consider to be their friend. They have a difficult time saying no. They have great difficulty confronting or pressuring others, but when they do they can be sarcastic and slightly offensive. They become sleepy when sitting still after only a few minutes, and will go to sleep very quickly.

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The Trainer C-D (Melancholy-Choleric)

The Melancholy-Choleric combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to do things right. The secondary need is to get results. Either need may dominate behavior depending on the situation.

When the Melancholy and the Choleric natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who pushes to get results. They have a strong drive to tell others what they know, and what to do. This combination naturally likes to teach or train others what they know.

The Melancholy-Choleric is a systematic and precise thinker. They follow self-imposed, strict procedures in both their business and personal lives. The Melancholy-Choleric has a firm, serious expressions, and they rarely smile.

They not only want to do things right and get results, they strive to figure out what is right. The Melancholy-Choleric is, therefore, more pushy and blunt than the other Melancholy combinations. They can be abrasive and offensive when communicating with others. The Melancholy-Choleric is attentive to details and push to have things done correctly according to their standards. They have high standards for themselves and others. They can be a perfectionist about some things. They will resist change until the reasons are explained, defended, and accepted.

They are sensitive and conscientious. They can behave in a diplomatic manner, except when it comes to deviating from their standards. The Melancholy-Choleric can be too forceful in insisting the right way (or their way) be followed.

They are not socially active, preferring work and privacy to being with people. The Melancholy-Choleric may have some difficulty in relationships because they are not flexible, and they have a brief, direct, sometimes blunt manner of communication.

The Melancholy-Choleric tends to make decisions slowly because of their need to collect and analyze information (several times) until they are sure of the right and best course of action. The Melancholy-Choleric is not a frequently found combination.

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The Idealist C-S-D (Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric)

The Idealist is unique because the Choleric temperament has strong influence on their behavior. The combination of Melancholy-Phlegmatic-Choleric urges this person to “push” their ideal standards to perfection. The Idealist is a systematic, precise thinker and will follow procedures in both their business and personal life. They are attentive to detail and push to have things done correctly, according to predetermined standards (usually their own). They are conscientious in work requiring accuracy and maintaining high, sometimes unrealistic, standards. They normally behave in a diplomatic manner except when it comes to deviating from standards they have accepted. They can then be very forceful in insisting the “right way” be followed. They are not socially active, preferring privacy. They tend to have difficulty in relationships because they are rigid and maintain high standards. They make decisions slowly because of collecting and analyzing information until they are sure of the best course of action. To be highly motivated they need a structured environment with clear rules and procedures, time to organize, collect information, think and the freedom to develop a plan.

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The Diplomat C-I (Melancholy-Sanguine)

The Melancholy-Sanguine combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. The secondary temperament need is to be accepted socially. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Melancholy and the Sanguine natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who, enjoys some social activity. The Melancholy-Sanguine is naturally skilled at being diplomatic with others in a way that avoids tension and restores unity. They can become assertive to restore harmony to their environment. The Melancholy-Sanguine is the most friendly of all the Melancholy blends.

The Melancholy-Sanguine needs to be alone most of time, and they need to be with people some of the time. When alone they will likely review the day and plan for tomorrow. The Melancholy-Sanguine has a natural smile. They are analytical, systematic, and sensitive to the needs of others. This is a versatile, productive individual who works well with most anyone. The Melancholy-Sanguine likes to have fun and laugh when they feel comfortable and accepted. They can be very talkative at times. They have high personal ambitions but often fail to achieve their dreams because of their lack of taking action.

The Melancholy-Sanguine tends to be a well-balanced, precise thinker, who tends to follow procedures in both their business and personal lives. They are mostly well organized; sometimes only selectively organized. The Melancholy-Sanguine will be friendly toward new people after they warm up (but can be initially friendly at times).

They like to do things right according to their standards. They like quality and status things. They are very conscientious. The Melancholy-Sanguine needs some mobility rather than sitting for long periods of time. They can be very sensitive to criticism and may react with strong emotion.

The Melancholy-Sanguine makes decisions slowly because they are analyzing their options. They need to be sure of the right and best course of action. This is especially true when involved in a new project.

At times they may have difficulty going to sleep due to excessive thinking or concern. They generally like to ease into the day instead of rushing into activity. They prefer others to wait awhile before talking to them after they awake in the morning.

The Melancholy-Sanguine struggles with having guilt feelings, even about something that is not their fault. They tend to be apologetic. The Melancholy-Sanguine is a frequently found pattern.

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The Analyst C-S (Melancholy-Phlegmatic)

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic combination is driven by two temperament needs. The primary temperament need is to do things right, and to figure out what is right. The secondary need is to be accommodating. Either need may dominate their behavior depending on the requirements of the situation.

When the Melancholy and the Phlegmatic natural tendencies are combined, it produces a detail-oriented person who is very analytical, accommodating, and will cautiously plan their way through life. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is naturally skilled at analyzing everything they do and everything that happens in their life. They are driven to answer the question “why” before acting.

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is the most consistent of all the Melancholy blends. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic prefers being alone most of the time. They are not socially active, preferring to be with family, or a few close friends. When at a social event they usually do not stay for a long period of time. In order to function well, they need information, time alone to think, and a plan from which to operate. They like working privately on a project. They are usually very well organized, and they tend to operate from a list—it may be written down or they just remember what needs to be done. If they are not neatly organized, they know what’s in those piles!

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is a pleasant and accommodating person who tends to seek a structured environment requiring attention to detail. They have a self-sacrificing, self-critical nature, and struggle with guilt feelings about things that are not often their fault. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is more conscientious and private than the other Melancholy blends. They are systematic, precise thinkers who tend to follow procedures in both their business and personal lives. They will withdraw from aggressive people. They will have difficulty putting pressure on others. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic can become aggressive to restore harmony to their environment.

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic makes decisions slowly because of their need to collect and review information until they are sure of the right and best course of action. This is especially true when involved in a new project.

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is good at anticipating problems, and determining options to solve a problem, but they are not good at taking action. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic has difficulty going to sleep because they are thinking about, well, everything!

The Melancholy-Phlegmatic feels safe to think, review, and plan when they stay up after the rest of the family has gone to bed. Males in particular like staying up late at night to flip through the TV channels. Someone said that men do not want to watch TV, they just want to see what’s on the next channel!

They have a strong sense of justice (what is right and wrong). They like quality things. They resist change until reasons are explained, defended, and accepted. They resist changing their plan, especially if the change is sudden. They need pushing to be sociable, beyond their family and close friends. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic often has a Sanguine as a close friend because they like their fun nature and carefree attitude. The Melancholy-Phlegmatic is a frequently found pattern.

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