Ecology Publications & Forms

Guidance for Evaluating Vapor Intrusion in Washington State: Investigation and Remedial Action

Publication number Date Published Date Revised
09-09-047January 2009March 2022

* A process for evaluating the VI pathway during a remedial investigation and feasibility study or as part of an independent cleanup action. * Methods, techniques, and references for VI-related soil gas, indoor air, crawl space and ambient air sampling. * References to soil, groundwater, and soil gas VI screening levels as well as indoor air cleanup levels. * Options for communicating with the public when VI is impacting, or has the potential to impact, indoor air quality. * Mitigation measures and techniques to protect receptors from VI.

Mar 2022: Published final, see public comments in Attachment A. Made Implementation Memos 14, 18, 21, and 22 obsolete.

Dec 2021-Feb 2022: Reviewed/incorporated input from public comment period Nov-Dec 2021.

Nov 2021: Extensively revised and made available for public comment Nov 18 through Dec 20, 2021. Incorporated Implementation Memo Nos. 14, 18, 21, and 22. Memos will become obsolete once guidance is final.

Copyright © Washington State Department of Ecology. See

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