Minor Home Repair Program NOFA

We are excited today to launch a NOFA for the Minor Home Repair Program. Guided by the Comprehensive Housing Policy (CHP), this Minor Home Repair NOFA seeks qualified non-profits to administer the program. This program allows for grants to be given to homeowners for minor home repairs up to $4,999.00 in the City of Dallas.

The application process is designed to evaluate non-profits on a fair and equitable scale allocating federal grants and other funding as it becomes available. Proposals will be evaluated as submitted.

The NOFA is open to non-profit applicants proposing to administer the program including; income qualification, homeownership determination, hiring contractors, and overseeing construction administration. For this initial posting $1,000,000.00 from CDBG and $100,000.00 from General Funds are being made available. For complete details on this NOFA or to access the CHP please visit www.dallashousingpolicy.com.

A Pre-Submission Meeting will be held on January 6, 2022 at 11am via WebEx -

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